An important part of being a subsidiary of success is following your marketing efforts so you know what works for you, and what does not. If you are an affiliate that pays for advertising, do not understand what does not and why can cost you a lot of wasted time and money. Even if you only use free methods of promotion, you'll still lose valuable time if you n'analyser your efforts and make improvements based on this analysis. This guide will show you a variety of ways that you can analyze your efforts.
ClickBank operations reports
The first place you'll want to watch is ClickBank transactions reporting. See how many people click on your HopLinks, compared to the number of sales you receive, is an important first step in understanding what products work well.
For more information about using ClickBank full reports, see Reporting of Transactions. Also be sure to see our article on our improved analytics account.
ClickBank Tracking ID
One way to make your reports more useful ClickBank is to attach the tracking ID (also called TID) of your HopLinks.
Tracking ID codes are unique, up to 24 numbers that you create to identify your various promotional efforts. You can add these codes directly in your HopLinks about creating your HopLinks on the market, or you can attach them to the end of your HopLinks manually after its creation.
For more information about the tracking ID, see all about HopLinks.
Website Analytics
If you promote products with your own website, like blogs or creating niche sites, it is extremely useful to install a kind of web analytics, so you can see how many visitors you get and the how they interact with your website.
There are a wide variety of options, but some of the most popular options are Google Analytics and Yahoo Web Analytics, they are free, easy to use and quick to install. It will give you much information about your visitors, such as where they come from, where they are located in the world, the pages they visit most frequently, which pages they leave your website most often, keywords leads to your site and more.
Analysis of the behavior of your visitors is the best way to correct errors in your website, such as navigation confusing pages that do not have a strong "call to action" and more. It can also help you identify important keywords for your niche, so you can create pages for SEO easy targeting those keywords.
ClickBank sales reports now connects with Google Analytics through the sale of integrated reports, so you can analyze your sales process of your website throughout the ClickBank order form. This gives you an extra level of understanding where customers could go through the sales process.